Free The Matrix creators Lana Wachowski no registration No Sign

The Matrix creators Lana Wachowski no registration No Sign Up



Cast: Laurence Fishburne. Lilly Wachowski. ratings: 9,6 / 10. . runtime: 2 h 16 minutes. writed by: Lilly Wachowski

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The matrix path of neo. The matrix 4. The matrix chambers. The matrix ytp. The hype from this movie was huge. From its surprisingly huge box office to internet fan sites, to constant gushing by friends and relatives, I thought this was a can"t-miss.
For me, it missed.
1. They give away the essential secret/premise very early on (there are other revelations of course, but the whole matrix thing gets exposed very early. I thought it would"ve worked better to keep it mysterious to bouy the next complaint.
2. It dragged in the middle. Big time. Practically nothing happens. no tension. nothing. A bunch of dialog explaining "the rules. If they held onto the mystery a little longer, that could have kept this dead part a bit more interesting. During this 70 minute dead spot, all I could think of was how I had to go to the bathroom.
3. Even with all that explaining, it still gets a little confusing, and there were many questions to be asked of the writer, along the lines of "Why didn"t they just instead of 4. The last 20-30 minutes of this movie really rock. I think this explains why so many are ga-ga over this film. It just rips out of its sleepy middle and smokes right through to the credits. I (and many others) liked Episode One for the same reason - it leaves you breathless, forgetting that most of the movie was pretty tired.
But the difference between ep one and this (and why I liked ep one better) is they broke up the middle with a pod race. Here there"s nothing like that.


The matrix characters. The matrix fight scene. The matrix neo. The matrix pitch meeting. People who hold the Matrix"s schtick as near-religious belief should read a book once in a while and broaden their cultural horizons a little more; the fact is, the only thing the Matrix has managed to do is steal ideas from countless other genres (mostly from anime and Hong Kong "blood operas. infuse them with superficial philosophical crap that would make a high school goth blogger blush and blend it all perfectly into one slick, hyperactive and CGI-laden package. The Wachowski"s should pat themselves on the back: the emperor has no clothes and no one seems to have noticed. These glaring flaws are even more apparent in the second installment of the series, where the prodigal brothers finally show us that the only thing they can do is retread the same old ground.
Entertaining? Sure; the effects are impressive and the pace never really slows down, even in spite of Mr. Reeve"s wooden (to put it mildly) acting. But the fact that this rip-off of Asian culture and post-modern angst is scored higher than movies like A Clockwork Orange or Blade Runner is ludicrous.

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